My name is Mrs. Cynthia Ikwu. I have been married for six years. I am thirty-five years old, ever since I was a child; I have not experienced my monthly period until last year when I heard about KEDI. My husband and I visited many hospitals in and out of Anambra state including teaching hospitals. The doctors after running several tests gave me several injections including tablets and pills, which I took but to no avail. One Wednesday afternoon, a friend invited me to a seminar going on at the Peoples’ Club National Headquarters, Owerri Road, Onitsha. At the seminar, the resource person talked about KEDI products and how they worked in human body. He called some “life essentials” and the other products called “special solutions”, eventually, he started picking the products one after the other and naming diseases and sicknesses they could take care of, he mentioned Golden Six and said something about it taking care of irregular and painful menstruation.

After the seminar, I approached him privately and told him about my problem. He gave me a bottle of Golden six and advised me to take if for one month with plenty water and rest in the process. This happened in February, 2008, by the middle of the following month; I started feeling funny around my waist with some severe pains. When I put a call to him, he advised me to continue without worry, two days later, I felt warm fluid dropping from my private part; I was alarmed and was rushed to the hospital where the doctor confirmed it was my monthly period, initially it was smelly with dark blood. It rushed for five days and stopped. The KEDI doctor as I later started calling him advised me to take my Golden six for another one month which I did and after that, I’ve been observing my period every other month ever since then. KEDI Products has no rival and I have been recommending it to many people.


From: Mrs. Cynthia Ikwu (08032761723)


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