
Symptoms That Show You Need KEDI Blood
Circulation And Massaging Machine

Which symptoms describes your state of health?

#1. Symptoms: Headache, dizziness, stiff neck, palpation, tiredness and so on.

Hypertension and Hypotension


Ninety-five percent of hypertension belongs to primary hypertension which exceeds 140/90 mmHg. Persistent hypertension may damage vessels and then, lead to complications of some important organs like heart, brain, kidney and eyes. Hypertension is an important cause of stroke and cardiac infection.

Function of the circulator:

Kedi Blood Circulation and Massaging Machine can, through spiral vibration of high frequency, speed up the circulation of blood to eliminate the inside waste of metabolism and to supply enough blood to the important organs like heart, brain, kidney, and decrease the blood pressure through dilating the vessels and decreasing the peripheral resistance by reflex regulation.

#2. Symptoms: Frequent and urgent urination, and urodynia which may happen again and again

Chronic infection of the urinary tract


It is usually caused by incomplete cure of the acute infection of the urinary tract. Women are most easily affected by this disease which has persistent symptoms and may result in the impairment of renal function if not timely cured.

Function of the circulator:

Kedi Blood Circulation and Massaging Machine through clearance and elimination of the interior metabolism waste and toxins of the body, activate the interior potential, and start and adjust the interior functions of the body as to strengthen the whole immune system. Sufferers should drink a lot of water for the benefit of metabolism.

#3. Symptoms: Obese, constrained action with the body weight over 20% above the normal

Weight Reduction

Causes of Obesity:

Obesity is closely related to exercise energy intake and less consumption of energy besides imbalance of endocrine functions. Impaired metabolism of the interior fat of the body will deposit fat in a certain location. Obesity is closely related to hypertension, cardiac disease, diabetes and so on.

Functions of the circulator:

It can adjust the imbalance of endocrine function, promote the metabolism and the decomposition of the interior fat, and increase the consumption of energy.

#4. Symptoms: Sleep is difficult, interrupted and shallow. And you may wake very early, have a lot of dreams and be easily awakened with a startle.

Sleep Disorder


Sleep disorder is usually associated with chronic disease, bad habits of life and excessive mental pressure. Chronic long-term insomnia may affect the body’s balance system of function and immune function, and cause imbalance and disorder of sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

Function of the product:

The circulator can improve the function of organs of the whole body, enhance blood and oxygen supply to the hypothalamus and brain stem, and regulate the balance of the autonomous nervous system. Therefore, the capability of excitation and inhibition inside of the body will be restored, and sleep will become regular.

#5. Symptoms: Thirsty, hungry, more urine, emaciation, with complications of other important system and organs includimg impotence, menstrual disorder, and decreased resistance against infection.

Diabetes (type II)


It is closely relates to obesity and usually affects people over 40 years of age. This type of diabetes is generally caused by the relative insufficient secretion of insulin of the body or the inefficient utilization of the insulin by the body which results in the metabolism disorder of increased blood sugar.

Function of the circulator:

Under the circumstances of using diet and medication to control blood sugar, Kedi Blood Circulation and  can improve blood and oxygen supply to various endocrine glands to increase the secretion of insulin, enhance the recognizability of the body to insulin, and eliminate the blood waste to prevent the aggravation of angiosclerosa. Meanwhile, the circulator can activate the lumphocytes inside the body to improve the body’s immunity and auto-recovery.

#6. Symptoms: The penis cannot erect, remain erected or premature ejaculation happens during sexual intercourse. The female symptoms involve colpoxerosis, no sexual desire or difficulty to get orgasm.

Sexual function


Psychological physiological factors result in the reduction of decreased blood flow to the penis and the vagina, which leads to the male and female frigidity.

Function of the circulator:

Kedi Healthcare Industries of Nig.  Ltd can improve the blood circulation all over the body and make more blood flow to the penis unobstructed. Meanwhile, it can stimulate the local excitation points and improve the function of the genital glands through stimulation of the endocrine system. During the process of using the circulator, you should keep quiet and concentrated, relax yourself and have confidence without interference by the reaction pf local stimulation.

#7. Symptoms: Headache, dizziness, stiff neck, palpation, tiredness and so on.

Constipation and hemorrhoid


All the following situation in daily life may easily result in constipation including dietary basis, less exercise, irregular habit of defection, weak body, anergia of abdominal muscles and so on. In severe situations of constipation, the veins between the lower end of rectum and the anus will become varicose and hemorrhoid will present. Hemorrhoid may locate deep in the rectum (internal hemorrhoid), around the anus (external hemorrhoid) or both (combined hemorrhoids).


Constipation and hemorrhoid can both be caused by all the following factors including obesity, standing or sitting long without changing your pose, coughing for a long time, and abnormal defection. The usual symptoms include perianal pruritus or pain, dropping blood when defecting if serious (blood dropping can automatically stop after defection), dysphasia, and irregular defection. Indurative stool may, if serious, cause anal fissure or proctoptosis.

Functions of the product:

Kedi Healthcare Industries Nig. Ltd can promote the peristalsis of intestines through nerve reflexes, the sensitivity and tension of the intestine will, and speed up the excretion of the waste inside the intestine with the improvement of the digesting tract function. At the same time, the venous reflux of blood will be promoted to clear the blood stasis and stagnation of qi and therefore, the constipation and hemorrhoid will be greatly improved.

#8. Symptoms: The joints usually at the thumb and the ankle become red, swelling, hot and painful, which will last for one week and may happen again.

Rheumatism and gout


The hyper metabolism of the body’s interior purine produce excessive amount of urine acid which exceeds the excretion capability of the kidney, resulting in uric acid of high concentration crystallized and deposited inside the articular cavity. As the disease develops, large amount of uric acid accumulates inside the kidney and then renal blood flow decreases, which causes uric-acid nephropathy and finally renal insufficiency.

Functions of the circulator:

During the disease remission stage, the circulator can, through massage, promote the blood circulation of the lower extremities, which makes the lower extremities acts as a pump to improve the renal capability of uric acid excretion so that the blood uric acid concentration will remain at certain steady level.

#9. Symptoms: Sweating, hotness, palpation, dizziness, pain in the waist and back, tension, insomnia, menstruation, disorder or menolipsis fluctuated mood and easy agitation.

Climacteric syndrome


When women are in the period of 45-55 years of age, the ovary function gradually decreases, female hormone excretes less and reproductive organs begin to be atrophic. This climacteric period is a turn of endocrine function which may cause a series of disorders of the parasympathetic function.

Function of the circulator:

Kedi Healthcare Industries of Nig.  Ltd can improve the blood circulator, coordinate and balance the functions of various endocrine glands inside the body including the pituitary and the ovary so that women can have a happy climacterium with delaying of aging.

#10. Paralysis of facial muscle of the same side, wrinkle disappearance at the forehead, incomplete closure of the iris, shallow nasolabial grove and disability to control facial muscles.

Paralysis of facial nerve


The causes are not clear but it may be caused by v=catching chill, inflammation of the tissue near the face, local spasm of vessels and nerve oppression because of tissue ischemia and later tissue edema. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it is due to the cold external noxious to control facial muscles.

Function of the circulator:

Kedi Healthcare Industries of Nig.  Ltd can improve both local and the whole body circulation of blood, and relieves till spasm of local vessels as the edema of local tissue with the results of improvement.

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