It came to my notice in 2012 when I went for checkup that I was diabetic, my result read 386mg/dl. I was placed on different drugs, which seems to worsen the problem. My sugar level kept increasing instead of reducing; I was introduced to many other products but to no avail. I travelled to Enugu last year (2014) when my relative told me to use KEDI product, so we went and met a KEDI consultant who gave me DIAWELL tablet, when I used one jar, I went back for follow up Test, to my greatest surprise my sugar level dropped to 205mg/dl. I was impressed and I ordered for one more jar. By using just two jars of DIAWELL tablets, my sugar level dropped again to 185mg/dl. Today, my health condition has improved tremendously and I am very healthy. To me, it was just like magic! I have been preaching about the miracle to people.

From: Mr. Geofrey Egbudo (08032629593)

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