I am Ogechukwu Ekemezie from Iruayika Awkuzu Oyi L.G.A, Anambra State. I was childless for over 11 years. My husband and I went to all places that I can’t mention here in search of child all to no avail. At a time, my husband got tired of trying and married another woman, people called me unprintable names and I was avoided by my in-laws. One day, I was invited to a KEDI Healthcare seminar by my church mother. Initially, I refused, having lost hope of getting pregnant but my church mother persuaded me and even pressurized me to attend. At the seminar, the TCM specialist rolled out all sorts of diseases KEDI products treats; I was not interested until he took on infertility. This caught my attention as he enumerated the causes and treatment of infertility.

Two products he mentioned were Golden six and Vigor Essential. With so much eagerness in me, I bought the two products and went home. I then persuade my husband to take the Vigor Essential for his low sperm count which he reluctantly took while I started taking Golden Six. Two months later, I couldn’t see my monthly period and a visit to a doctor confirmed me pregnant. Initially, I couldn’t believe it and that made me visit 3 other doctors for confirmation, my husband after hearing of my pregnancy also did not believe. He took me to 3 teaching hospitals and it was positive. Today, I am 5 months gone. I also gave my neighbour Nkiruka Golden Six and Reishi, she is now 3 months pregnant after being childless for seven years. KEDI is God sent.

From: Ogochukwu Ekemezie (08037810562)


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