For the next few weeks, we will be learning about things that Network Marketers SHOULD NOT DO if they desire to succeed. Some of them are:

– DON’T BE NEGATIVE: Regardless of what you encounter in the course of growing your business, be positive. Every venture has its twist, turns and bends, Network Marketing is not an exception πŸ“

– DON’T TAKE REJECTION PERSONALLY: Not everyone will like what you offer, know this and know peace. Sometimes, rejection is a pointer to the fact that the person does not really understand your offering, don’t feel bad or demotivated anytime your offering is rejected. Keep pushing πŸ“

– DON’T HAVE UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS: MLM business is not a magic wand that will make you rich overnight. You need to work hard and be patient πŸ“

– DON’T BE ARROGANT OR COCKY: You need to have a good attitude as a Networker because you will be meeting and working with different people with different attitudinal dispositions. A bad attitude can ruin all you have worked for overnight πŸ“

– DON’T FORGET TO FOLLOW UP: Don’t register people and leave them to struggle through. Follow up with your downlines and prospects. The benefits of follow up cannot be overemphasized in MLM business πŸ“

Read each point painstakingly, adjust in any way you are found wanting and share with everyone you know πŸ“ HAVE A GREAT WEEK πŸ†

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