Towards the end of 2008, I noticed a lump like tennis ball shape inside my right hand side breast. I thought it will disappear as no pain was felt. The lump progressively enlarged towards 2009, still tender and without pain. In 2010, it came out and started growing as tumor; it grew bigger and was thick on the surface. In August 2010, the tumor busted with fluid, pus and blood coming out and offensive odor began to emanate from it. Gradually, it spread out and some boils sprang out in my armpit. At this stage, I was experiencing severe pain. The spreading and the enlargement of the sore was rapid and offensive odor still emanating from it. At this stage, I felt the movement of radical cells, fever, and pain all over my body especially the right side. I stopped wearing bra because of the pain.

The face of the sore was irritating and the fluid coming out stains my wears that I utilized large cotton wool, tissue and plaster to prevent it from staining my cloth. The fluid was overflowing that it always defied the cotton wool and tissue and stain my wear less than an hour. I have come across cases of breast cancer and saw how they ended up. I decided to hung my faith on God and his word (Act 20:32) for solution. In March, 2012, I came across a sick, bedridden woman who is also down with breast cancer and was rejected by hospitals. In my several visit to encourage her, I noticed she was recuperating with KEDI Health Product.

I called the KEDI Head Office and Mr Charles Nweke directed me to the Head office. I went to KEDI Head Office, Ikoyi on 12th April, 2012 and met with Mr. Charles Nweke who assured me that Reishi and Golden Hypha will eradicate the disease. I commence the taking of these drugs and by May 2012, the pain left. In the month of June 2012, the sore started drying up and by July 2012, the sore completely dried up, sealed up and healed. Asking for the number of jars of Reishi and Golden Hypha to be taken before the healing manifest is unnecessary because the body metabolism is not same, the number varies but I took about 12 jars each and I am still taking them to ensure that the cancerous cells are controlled.

From: Celestina (08035519670)

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